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Life Of Adventure

Writer's picture: Wiehann de KlerkWiehann de Klerk

Eliminating the things that stop you living a life of adventure.

Eliminating the things that stop you living a life of adventure.
Eliminate the things that stop you living a life of adventure.

How many times have you been asked, "whereabouts do you live?" I'm sure that you have been asked this question many times. What a weird question! Is it not clear that I am living here where we are now? When people ask me this question, unless they ask specifically which suburb, I always want to respond by saying, "Earth, I live on Earth." Every time you reply by saying a suburb or city name, you subconsciously reduce all the options available to you. You can live anywhere at any time. You don't have to stay in your job. You don't have to limit all the opportunities available to you. This is the first step - to change your perspective on where you live. I live on Earth - repeat this loudly to yourself (I recommend doing this in a private setting). Make it clear to yourself that the whole world is open to you, and if you make enough money, you can even go to space. I get excited by innovation for it opens up pathways to previously unimaginable activities. Now that you have enlarged your adventure philosophy, we can go into greater detail.

"A life of adventure is hard to achieve when you listen to the opinions of others, consider the emotions of close friends and family more than you do your own, and save money for things that lock you into a limited world."

Firstly, a life of adventure is hard to achieve when you listen to the opinions of others. Everyone has an opinion - just because they have one does not mean it is related to your wellbeing. Every opinion, thought, or idea that anyone shares with you, regardless of their love for you, is directly related to their wellbeing only, not yours. I'm sorry to say that, but subconsciously, they do not care about you. They do not care what you do with your life or what your opinions and values are. Your life, your opinions and your values are who you are, not who somebody else is. Due to the lack of interest people have in your life, is it not clear that their opinions are of very little value? Is it not clear that listening to them will confuse you?

“Opinions are like assholes, everybody's got one." Harry Callahan

When someone shares their opinion, they usually start by saying, "if it were me, I would...." Clearly, they are thinking about themselves and the actions that they would take. Listen to your gut - if it was you, what would you do? Stop asking them what they would do. Who cares what they would do? Live a life of adventure if you want to. When you do listen to the opinions of others, you are indirectly limiting your opportunities. People, without trying to do so, will give you advice that will benefit them, not you. No matter who you speak to, they will share opinions concerning their own lives, not yours.

"People, without trying to do so, will give you advice that will benefit them, not you."

Secondly, a life of adventure is hard to achieve when you consider the emotions of close friends and family more than you do your own. Your family will tell you not to be adventurous because they don't want you to leave. They want you to stay home. In other words, they want to limit your world so that you don't limit theirs. When you leave, you limit their world because you are no longer apart of it, or you are not a part of it for a short period when you take a vacation etc. I recently booked a seven-week vacation to Thailand and Vietnam. My family said numerous times, "that's such a long time, can't make it three weeks?" Immediately, limits were placed. Your emotions matter more than the emotions of others when it comes to your decisions. In case of an emergency in a plane, what do you do? You put your oxygen mask on first, and then you help those next to you. How can you help others live lives of adventure if you do not live a life of adventure yourself? How can you be happy if you do not consider your emotions? How can you make the right choices for you, if you do not consider yourself? Consider having the ability to buy the emotions of others. No one would buy the emotions of others. It makes no sense. Many can't even control, never the less, master their own emotions. If you can't manage your own life, why would you manage the lives of others? You won't because if you do, you are not leading by example. First, consider your own emotions about yourself, then consider the emotions of others about you.

Finally, a life of adventure is hard to achieve when you save money to purchase things that lock you into a limited world. How many people do you know that have a mortgage? I know lots. 90% of my friends and family have a mortgage. The crazy thing is that people are not aware of where the word mortgage comes from. The word derives from a "Law French" term that English lawyers used in the middle ages which means "death pledge." The etymology sounds correct to me considering the average contract term of 25-30 years. When you purchase a house with a mortgage, you are essentially saying to the world, "Hi, please enslave me to this one location until the day I die, I don't want to live a life of adventure, and I don't want to be separated from the bank. I love the bank." If you agree with this saying, then I wish to congratulate you on your mortgage decision. In addition, there are a number of other things we purchase that make it impossible to live a life of adventure, such as cars and loads of material possessions. Material possessions stop you from being able to say yes to an overseas opportunity - you cannot say yes because you love your stuff too much. Things stop you from engaging in an unlimited reality. If you like to be limited, then I recommend buying lots of things and negative gearing all your properties.

"If we were meant to stay in one place, we'd have roots instead of feet." Rachel Wolchin

What are the things that you can do now to remove limits from your life? Who in your life is limiting you and what can you do to sincerely disregard their opinions?

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